Dependence Networks and the Diffusion of Democracy (with Darren Hawkins)
Identity and Norm Diffusion in the Convention against Torture (with Darren Hawkins and James Raymond Vreeland)
Improving the Study of Campaign Contributors with Record Linkage (with Christophe Giraud-Carrier and Bradley Jones)
Putting Money to Mouths: Rewarding and Punishing Human Rights Behaviors (with Darren Hawkins)
The Hazards of Time-Varying Covariates
A Model of Campaign Spending in Repeated Elections
Campaign Spending in Congressional Primaries (with David B. Magleby)
"Dependence Networks and the International Criminal Court," with Darren Hawkins, Christine Horne, and Daniel Nielson. 2012. International Studies Quarterly 56(1): 131-147.
"Campaign Fund-raising and Spending for Deterrence and Savings." 2009. Quarterly Journal of Political Science 4(2): 129-150. (formerly titled "When Are War Chests Informative?")
"A Funny Thing Happened on the Way to Rome: Explaining International Criminal Court Negotiations," with Darren Hawkins. 2009. Journal of Politics 71(3): 977-997.
"Campaign War Chests and Challenger Quality in Senate Elections." 2007. Legislative Studies Quarterly 32(1): 135-156.
"Explaining Commitment: States and the Convention against Torture," with Darren G. Hawkins. 2006. Journal of Politics 68(2): 358-371.
"When Do War Chests Deter?" 2005. Journal of Theoretical Politics 17(2): 249-277.
"War Chests as Precautionary Savings." 2004. Political Behavior 26(4): 289-315.
"Agenda Setting in Congressional Elections: The Impact of Issues and Campaigns on Voting Behavior," with Owen G. Abbe, Paul S. Herrnson, and Kelly D. Patterson. 2003. Political Research Quarterly 56(4): 419-430.
"The Effect of War Chests on Challenger Entry in U.S. House Elections." 2001. American Journal of Political Science 45(4): 830-844.