I will hold office hours on Tuesday and Thursday 1:30-3:30 p.m. I am also available at most other times if you make arrangements with me. I encourage you to come by for any reason whatsoever.
You should check your email regularly (as well as this syllabus web page) for updates, announcements, corrections, etc. You are responsible for any announcements made in class even if you did not attend. I suggest that you exchange phone numbers and/or e-mail addresses with other students in the class.
This course explores advanced topics in econometrics, building on basic linear regression. This course is designed to help you
This is the second semester in a two-course sequence. The first semester was PPol 503/PlSc 328, and is thus a prerequisite for this course. That course covered ordinary least squares, its pathologies and treatments. Econ 388 may substitute for PPol 503/PlSc 328, although there will be some overlap between that course and this course. If you have not taken one of these courses, you need to speak to me before proceeding.
Given the small class size, this will not be a rigidly structured course. I welcome your input in determining what subjects we discuss, and how and when we cover them. There are some topics that we must cover, but others are flexible.
The course will be run primarily as a lecture. However, I actively encourage questions, interruptions, cries for help, protests of disbelief, etc. You will never be penalized for participating--even when this takes the form of vague complaints like, "I've got no clue why we are doing this stuff!" I urge--indeed, I expect--you to take advantage of the chance to talk with me during office hours.
Weekly Assignments |
25% |
Midterm Exam |
15% |
Final Exam |
35% |
Research Project |
25% |
All assignments are due at the beginning of class on the day stated on the assignment. If you cannot make it to class, please leave the assignment with the department secretaries (in the Political Science office--745 SWKT) before class begins. You may also submit your assignments via email (as an attachment). I will deduct 20 points per day (including weekends) for late assignments (on a 100 point scale). That said, I am a reasonable person; if you anticipate a problem with submitting an assignment when it is due, speak to me before the assignment is due so that we can try to work out an alternative arrangement.
To understand statistics, you must use statistics. To facilitate understanding, there will be weekly assignments that may include any or all of the following:
You may work together on these assignments (in groups of two or at most three), but you must write up your answers separately. If you do not learn how to analyze or solve problems on your own, you will have difficulty on the exams and research project. Generally, weekly assignments will be posted on the web on Tuesdays (through the link above). The teaching assistant will have a weekly recitation to review concepts for the assignments.
There is a midterm and final exam. These are both take-home exams that you will have one week to finish. They will require you to solve problems similar to those in the weekly assignments. You are not allowed to consult with anyone on these take-home exams (except the instructor). The date for the midterm exam is tentatively given below. The final exam will cover material for the whole semester. The final exams may be picked up in the Political Science office (745 SWKT) after they are graded. The exams will be discarded at the end of the Summer 2001 semester.
Students will write and present a paper on a topic of their choosing. The project will allow you the opportunity to apply the skills that we will develop in this class to actual data and problems. You may pursue any topic of your choice, subject to instructor approval. (Of course, one requirement is that you have the necessary data.) There are a number of deadlines that must be met, noted on the course schedule.
I strongly recommend that you consult with me through all phases of your research. I may be able to help you select a feasible topic, find data, or comment on your statistical model.
Proposal |
2% |
Outline and Bibliography |
3% |
Preliminary Analysis of Data |
5% |
Peer Review Draft |
10% |
Presentation |
20% |
Final Paper |
60% |
Turn in a (no longer than) one-page proposal outlining the research question you wish to address, and how you plan to address it. Discuss why the research question is interesting, and possible data sources.
Turn in a (no longer than) two-page outline of your paper sketching out the argument you plan to make and/or hypotheses you will test, and how you will do it. Include an annotated bibliography of sources whose work you build on. Also list where you have obtained your data.
Turn in a (no longer than) four-page paper that gives a more detailed outline of your paper. This should also include a detailed description of your argument and statistical model (including what variables you use) and some relevant descriptive statistics for your data. You must have your data by this point.
Each student will distribute his or her paper to an assigned student for peer evaluation. (In one of the weekly assignments, each student will evaluate a peer's paper, and return it with an evaluation sheet. Each peers will also give a grade to the instructor only. Finally, each author will grade his or her peer on how well he or she was able to constructively criticize author's arguments, and give specific suggestions on how to strengthen those arguments.) After incorporating the appropriate suggestions and criticisms, students will turn in their final paper (see below).
All students will present their research during the last week or two of class. The presentation's technical level should be geared toward a generic public servant--you will have to explain what your statistical results mean. There will be a strict time limit, and you should be prepared to answer questions from the class and instructor. Further suggestions on presentations generally can be found here.
The paper's technical level may be higher than the presentation's. However, you should still explain what your statistical results mean in layman's terms. In grading the paper, I will consider how well you have used material from the course, how well you have used statistical analysis to test your hypotheses, if the analysis is actually correct (numerical accuracy and correct interpretation), how well you use charts and graphs, logic and organization of the paper, and the usual grammatical and spelling concerns. More detailed instructions can be found here. The papers may be picked up in the Political Science office (745 SWKT) after they are graded. The papers will be discarded at the end of the Summer 2001 semester.
I include the following information from the BYU 2000-2001 Undergraduate Catalog which guides how I grade and determine workload:
A | Excellent |
B | Good |
C | Satisfactory |
D | Minimum passing |
E | Unacceptable |
Putting these two statements together, the university expects an "average student" to work "much more" than 9 hours a week to receive an 'A' (= "excellence") in a 3 credit-hour course. This is my expectation as well.
This workload has been affirmed by President Bateman in two of his recent devotional addresses. On 7 September 1999, he stated, "It takes approximately three hours of study outside class for every hour in the classroom. If you take 15 hours of credit, you should allocate upward of 45 hours for study per week." On 19 September 2000, he advised, "Study daily--at least three hours for every hour in class."
(See here for the graduate version.)
There is one required book that is available for purchase at the bookstore (or any number of on-line bookstores, see TextbookLand.com or AllBookStores.com for a listing of bookstores and comparison of prices):
I have placed Gujarati on reserve at the Lee Library.
There will be other readings available to photocopy in the Department of Political Science office (745 SWKT) mailboxes in a box marked "PPol 504 Readings." All readings should be read before class for full understanding of the subject material.
There is another statistical book that is available for purchase:
The Kennedy book has a different approach than most statistics texts: in each chapter it discusses a set of concepts qualitatively, then the same concepts quantitatively, and finally discusses the minutiae of those concepts. (The 2nd edition, published in 1985, is on reserve at the library.) I would be happy to recommend other texts if you find these inadequate.
There are two additional statistical books on reserve at the library to help with the statistics computer program.
Most Thursdays will be spent in the FHSS Computer Lab on the 1st floor. We will learn how to do basic and advanced statistics in Stata and basic statistics in SAS. We also will do some statistics in SPSS and Excel. I expect all students to have a working knowledge of the Windows operating system (i.e., what backslashes mean, how to use a mouse, how to use pull-down menus, etc.).
Please arrive in the Computer Lab (112 SWKT) before class starts in order to start up the computer and have everything ready to go when class starts.
If you wish to purchase your own copy of Stata, the College Computing Center has set up a student license.
From the Academic Honesty section of the BYU Honor Code: "The first injunction of the BYU Honor Code is the call to `be honest.' Students come to the university not only to improve their minds, gain knowledge, and develop skills that will assist them in their life's work, but also to build character. `President David O. McKay taught that character is the highest aim of education' (The Aims of a BYU Education, p. 6). It is the purpose of the BYU Academic Honesty Policy to assist in fulfilling that aim.
"BYU students should seek to be totally honest in their dealings with others. They should complete their own work and be evaluated based upon that work. They should avoid academic dishonesty and misconduct in all its forms, including but not limited to plagiarism, fabrication or falsification, cheating, and other academic misconduct." Read the full version here (parts attached to the original syllabus).
A colleague (Professor Mitch Sanders of Florida State University) has already explicated these issues specifically for political science. Please read here (also attached to the original syllabus).
If you write a paper for another course (past or present) that uses the same topic as a paper for this course, you need to approve it with me first, and then you must turn in to me a copy of the paper from your other course.
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 prohibits sex discrimination against any participant in an educational program or activity that receives federal funds. The act is intended to eliminate sex discrimination in education. Title IX covers discrimination in programs, admissions, activities, and student-to-student sexual harassment. BYU’s policy against sexual harassment extends not only to employees of the university but to students as well. If you encounter unlawful sexual harassment or gender based discrimination, please talk to your professor; contact the Equal Employment Office at 378-5895 or 367-5689 (24-hours); or contact the Honor Code Office at 378-2847.
Brigham Young University is committed to providing a working and learning atmosphere which reasonably accommodates qualified persons with disabilities. If you have any disability which may impair your ability to complete this course successfully, please contact the Services for Students with Disabilities Office (378-2767). Reasonable academic accommodations are reviewed for all students who have qualified documented disabilities. Services are coordinated with the student and instructor by the SSD office. If you need assistance or if you feel you have been unlawfully discriminated against on the basis of disability, you may seek resolution through established grievance policy and procedures. You should contact the Equal Employment Office at 378-5895, D-282 ASB.
Class starts at 8:00 a.m. I realize that this is early. Please arrive on time to class so that we may end on time.
Note: G=Gujarati; K=Kennedy.
Date |
Topic |
Readings |
Assignments |
January 9 |
Introduction, Overview, and Review |
11 |
Computer Class |
16 |
OLS Review | G:1-8,15; K:1-4,14 |
18 |
Computer Class |
Project Proposal Due |
23 |
OLS Pathologies and Treatments Review | G:10-13; K:6-9,11 |
25 |
Computer Class |
30 |
Logit and Probit | G:4.4,16; K:2.9,15 |
February 1 |
Computer Class | Project Outline Due | |
6 |
Logit and Probit (continued) |
8 |
Computer Class |
13 |
Monte Carlo Analysis | G:3.9; K:2.10 | |
15 |
Computer Class |
Midterm Exam Distributed |
NOTE! 20 |
No Class--Monday |
22 |
Simultaneous Equations | G:18-20; K:10 | Midterm Exam Due |
27 |
Simultaneous Equations (continued) |
March 1 |
Computer Class |
6 |
Simultaneous Equations (continued) | ||
8 |
Computer Class |
Project Preliminary Analysis Due |
13 |
Time Series | G:17,21-22; K:17-18 |
15 |
Computer Class | ||
20 |
Time Series (continued) |
22 |
Computer Class | ||
27 |
Limited Dependent Variables | G:16.14; K:16 |
29 |
Computer Class |
Project Peer Draft Due |
April 3 |
Limited Dependent Variables (continued) |
5 |
Computer Class |
10 |
Limited Dependent Variables (continued) |
12 |
Project Presentations |
17 |
Project Presentations | Project Final Paper Due |
24 |
Final Exam Due |
Jay Goodliffe's home page
This page is http://fhss.byu.edu/polsci/Goodliffe/504/syllabus.htm