Problem Set #2

PlSc 349
Due: Tuesday, 14 September 2010

  1. [6 points] Problem U3.3
  2. [10] Problem U3.4
  3. [10] Problem U3.8
  4. [11] Problems S3.7 and U3.7. Generalize to any number of lions.
  5. [13] [from Clinton 1994, on a previous midterm] Analyze the political strategies that led to Marbury v. Madison, and its outcome. Set up a game tree, and find the rollback (subgame-perfect) equilibrium/a. Explain the outcome. Here is the situation:
    There are two players in the game: Jefferson (the President) and Marshall (Chief Justice of the Supreme Court). Jefferson can
    1. deliver the commissions, in which case there will be no lawsuit brought by Marbury (outcome A); or,
    2. he can order nondelivery, in which case there is a suit.
    If there is a suit, Marshall can
    1. decide in favor of Madison (refuse to issue the writ), at the same time upholding the constitutionality of the Act (outcome B); or
    2. decide in favor of Madison (refuse to issue the writ), at the same time declaring the Act unconstitutional (outcome C); or
    3. decide in favor of Marbury (issue the writ of mandamus) at the same time upholding the constitutionality of the Judiciary Act of 1789.
    If Marshall decides in favor of Madison, Jefferson need not do anything else. If Marshall decides in favor of Marbury, Jefferson can
    1. comply with the Court’s order (outcome D); or
    2. refuse to comply with the Court’s order (outcome E).
    Here are the player’s ordinal rankings:
  6. [for future planning] Which problem was most useful in learning the concepts? Which problem was least useful?

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