Study Questions for Ward
- What is the relationship between rational choice and behavioralism?
- How does collective action theory relate to rational choice?
- Explain the sub fields of social choice and public choice. Why are these included in the rational choice paradigm?
- Why is it difficult to assume solely the mainstream variant of self interest?
- Explain and analyze game theory.
- Describe the advantages of the rational choice method. Why does Ward consider them as advantages?
- How is rational choice a reductionist method?
- How can rational choice be considered as a form of empiricist epistemology?
- What does Ward imply in saying: “What you get out of a rational choice model depends on what you feed in by way of assumptions, and the questions you pose”?
- Explain the four main critiques of rational choice that Ward presents. Why does he include these? What are the main assumptions of each? How do they strengthen his argument of the usefulness of rational choice?
- What are the assertions made by each main critique about rational choice concerning epistemology and empiricism? How convincing are they?
- Explain Green and Shapiro’s assumptions concerning the usefulness of rational choice. How convincing are their arguments? Why does Ward cite these authors? How does he refute their arguments? How successful is he in his refutations?
- What does Hugh Ward mean by stating that rational choice is not “static”? What examples does he give to support this argument?
- How useful is rational choice to the study of American Politics and Political Science in general? How can rational choice be considered a strong theory when it is met with such controversy?
Things to look for/keep in mind for future readings:
- critiques
- (Olson's) theory of collective action
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