Study Questions for Stoker and Marsh
- What is the primary aim of the book? How do the authors intend to present their arguments?
- Explain the significance of normative thought in political science. Why is it significant?
- What are the five main questions that the authors intend to ask in the book? Why are these pertinent to their study?
- Why is it necessary to study a diverse amount of viewpoints when studying political science? How do the authors define this diversity?
- How do the authors expand the contemporary pluralist notion? Is their expansion credible? How convincing are they?
- What do the authors mean in saying that the study of political science should be “eclectic and synergistic”?
- What is the usefulness of the table? Why do the authors include it? What is the main point in using it?
- What is the nature of political science? How do the authors define the “political”? How convincing are they in this definition?
- How does one scientifically approach politics? How valid is politics as a science? What do the authors think? What kinds of problems arise in categorizing politics as a science?
- What is the role of power in political science?
- Describe the importance of epistemology and ontology in political science. How is it possible for more than one research tradition to share the same epistemology and ontology?
- What are the issues related to the relationship between normative theorizing and the practice of politics? How does each research tradition approach relationship?
- How many methods are there for acquiring knowledge about politics? How distinct are the various methods?
- What method is best for the study of American politics?
Things to look for/keep in mind for future readings:
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