Study Questions for Rosenberg
- What kinds of questions are scientific? philosophical? What is the difference?
- Why should (social) scientists care about philosophy?
- According to Rosenberg, what are the main questions that concern the
philosophy of social science?
- What comparisons can/should be made between (the progress of)
natural and social science?
- Why has social science made less progress than natural science?
- What is so great about laws?
- What reasons are given for the lack of progress in social science,
compared to natural science?
- In what way has neither social science nor natural science progressed?
- What is folk psychology? What is its aim?
- Why can't the two extreme viewpoints on progress be reconciled?
- Why should social science be like natural science?
- Why shouldn't it?
- Which theories of science (Popper, Feyerabend, etc.) are more
naturalist? interpretivist?
Things to look for/keep in mind for future readings:
- where research traditions place themselves on the naturalism to interpretivism
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