Study Questions for Riker
- How has the study of politics changed?
- What are the obstacles to a science of politics?
- What are the primary elements of positivistic science?
- How does price theory exemplify positivistic science?
- Can positivistic science be extended to other areas of social science?
- What are the theories Riker uses as examples of potential positivistic
social science? How have these theories been developed and extended?
- Why is political science likely to develop into a science?
- How does rational choice solve the apparent contradiction of objectivity
and humanity?
- How does one specify motivation in a rational choice model?
- How do rational choice theories handle regularities?
- What's so great about science?
- Is Riker a naturalist or interpretivist?
- Is Riker an individualist or holist?
- Does Riker value explanation or understanding?
Things to look for/keep in mind for future readings:
- how well rational choice theories follow Riker's vision of science
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