Study Questions for Popper
- What is the author's main point?
- What distinguishes science from pseudo-science?
- What are some characteristics of a good scientific theory?
- What is the role of confirmation?
- What is an ad hoc modification? What modifications to a theory are acceptable?
- When are significant advances made in science?
- What is falsifiability? Why is it important?
- What degree of falsifiability is preferred? Why? How is this achieved?
- What is the problem of demarcation?
- What is the problem of induction?
- How does Popper critique Hume?
- According to Popper, should theory precede or follow observation? Why?
- Why do we look for regularities?
- What is the difference between dogmatic and critical thinking?
- How and when are theories proved?
- How and when are theories disproved?
- How are mistakes/errors helpful?
- How does one come up with a good theory?
- What is the difference between probability and degree of corroboration?
- What is the difference between induction and falsification?
- Why does any of this matter to political scientists?
Things to look for/keep in mind for future readings:
- what research traditions emphasize falisifiability
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