Study Questions for Lowi

  1. What is the author's main point?
  2. Why was political science initially atheoretical?
  3. What is the relationship between government (the state) and (political) science?
  4. What do we call "public opinion"?
  5. What problems does Lowi have with it?
  6. What do we call "public policy"?
  7. What problems does Lowi have with it?
  8. What do we call "public choice"?
  9. What problems does Lowi have with it?
  10. What research tradition does survey research fit into?
  11. What are the consequences of the state influencing science?
  12. According to Lowi, what (current) political science research is "good" or even "adequate"?
  13. Why does any of this matter to political scientists?

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