Study Questions for Little, Chapter 7
- What is the author's main point?
- What are the differences between formalists and substantivists?
- How do these differences relate to comparisons in earlier chapters?
- How would Ball suggest that rational choice practicioners deal with substantive critiques?
- Which substantive critiques apply to the rational choice approach to American politics?
- What characteristics in persons apply across cultures?
- What practices/institutions in American politics could be explained by a formalist, but not
substantivist, approach? Substantivist, but not formalist?
- How "thick" does a rational choice approach need to be? (Or, how "narrow" is too narrow?)
How does one know where to cut? What are the tradeoffs?
- Why does any of this matter to political scientists?
Things to look for/keep in mind for future readings:
- what rational choice theories include and exclude
- what other theories include and exclude
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