Study Questions for Little, Chapter 6
- What is the author's main point?
- What are the characteristics of a materialist explanation?
- How do material features of a society exert causal influence over nonmaterial features?
- What are the main components of the materialist research tradition?
- Does Miliband (Example 6.5) adequately explain the U.S. state?
- How and why does class matter?
- How is (political) stability maintained?
- What are some examples of false consciousness in the U.S.?
- What is a weakness often found in materialist accounts?
- How are the Marxist and rational choice approaches related?
- What are some advantages of the materialist approach?
- Why does any of this matter to political scientists?
Things to look for/keep in mind for future readings:
- core of the materialist approach
- direction of causation
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