Study Questions for Little, Chapter 1
- What is the author's main point?
- What is the purpose of philosophers of social science?
- What is a scientific explanation?
- What kind of questions do explanations answer? What are the characteristics
of these questions?
- What is (are the components of) the deductive-nomological model of
- What is (are the components of) the inductive-statistical model of
- What are the differences between these two models?
- What are the differences between empirical and theoretical explanations?
- How do these explanations relate to the models above?
- How do these explanations relate to different ideas of progress?
- What are the problems associated with these explanations?
- Why does any of this matter to political scientists?
Things to look for/keep in mind for future readings:
- causality
- look for the "regularity to be explained"
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