Study Questions for Kuhn
- What is the author's main point?
- Ideally (or naively), what does it mean to be scientific?
- According to Kuhn, what does it mean to be scientific?
- What is a precondition for success in the sciences?
- What is the dogmatism of mature science?
- What is the scientist's normal role?
- What are the paradoxical roles of commitment?
- What is the difference in how practitioners are taught in science vs. non-science?
- What is the difference between mature and immature science?
- What is a paradigm?
- What are the functions of a paradigm?
- What do scientists do within a paradigm?
- What is the role of anomalies?
- When does a 'crisis' occur? What is the result?
- What is a scientific revolution?
- What is the role of truth?
- Why does any of this matter to political scientists?
Things to look for/keep in mind for future readings:
- what research traditions emphasize puzzle-solving
- is political science a mature science?
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