Study Questions for Chalmers, Chapter 9
- How is Lakatos similar to Popper and Kuhn?
- How does Lakatos compensate for where Popper and Kuhn fall short in their assertions?
- What is “the hard core”? What are some examples that the author gives?
- What is the “negative heuristic”?
- What is the “positive heuristic”?
- What is the main indication of the merit of a research program?
- How do Marxism and Freudian psychology live up to the second indication of merit?
- How does the author define a progressive research program?
- What is a program’s or tradition’s “protective belt”? What is its significance?
What is the author trying to say? How does it affect methodology within a particular program?
- What are the essential contributions that Lakatos made, according to the author?
- How does Lakatos criticize positivist and falsificationist methodologies? Is he credible?
Does he provide a better theory than Popper or Kuhn? If so, how?
- What does the author see as the main problems with Lakatos’ assertions?
- Is Lakatos progressive?
- How do Lakatos’ contributions relate to our study of American political theory?
Things to look for/keep in mind for future readings:
- what research traditions fit Lakatos' methodology
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