Study Questions for Blyth
- According to Blyth, how is the best, most “substantive” work done in political science?
- How can the discipline of political science as a whole move forward and progress?
- What is the importance of epistemology and ontology in the discipline of political science?
Are multiple ontologies (and epistemologies) a problem? Why or why not?
- What is the importance and role of the new institutionalism?
Is Blyth convincing in his assertions? Why or why not?
- What are the pros and cons of using institutionalism as a primary component
to the study of American poltical science?
- How do rational choice theorists incorporate and use institutions in their analysis?
Do institutions help or hinder the analysis? What is their primary role?
- What is a CPR? How does it apply to political science?
- What is the rationalist framework according to Goldstein and Keohane?
- What are the primary components addressed in the chapter?
Is Blyth successful in achieving the purpose of this chapter? Is he convincing?
- What are the main contributions and the crux of historical institutionalism?
Is it thematic to contemporary American political science?
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