Study Questions for Bevir and Rhodes
- What are the main premises of interpretive theory?
- How does interpretive theory apply to “all of political studies”?
- Describe the nature of interpretive theory.
- Why do the authors find interpretive theory important to the study of Political Science?
- How does interpretive theory attempt to explain a science of politics? How convincing are the authors in this argument?
- Describe hermeneutics and ethnology. What is their relationship with interpretive theory?
- Describe post-structuralism and post-modernism. What is their relationship with interpretive theory?
- How is interpretive theory anti-foundational?
- What is subjectivity? How is it relevant to interpretive theory? Why do the authors point to it?
- Explain the significance of rationality in relation to interpretive theory as argued by the authors. How convincing are their arguments?
- How does interpretive theory explain the adherence to tradition?
- Describe the pertinence of relativism to interpretive theory.
- Explain each variety of “Thatcherism.” How does this aid the study of interpretive theory? Why do the authors use this example? How convincing are their conclusions drawn from the “Thatcherism” example?
- The authors outline three main reactions and criticisms to interpretive theory. What are they? How do the authors refute them?
- How are the conclusions as to the strength of interpretive theory useful to our study of American Politics? What is your assessment on the worth of interpretive theory in the study of politics in general?
Things to look for/keep in mind for future readings:
- types of interpretivism
- critiques of interpretivism
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