Study Questions for Almond
- What are the two dimensions by which political scientists are separated?
- According to the Soft Left, why does positivism fail? Why can't we separate
science and politics? Why must political science choose sides?
- How does Almond characterize the Hard Right? How is the public choice
(rational choice) approach criticized?
- How does Almond describe the Soft Right? Why must political scientists
include values?
- Why is the Hard Left "nervous"?
- How do these schools view the history of political science?
- When (and with whom) have these debates existed previously?
- How has European and American political science differed?
- Which of these tables fits with which theorists of science? theories of
social science?
- What is Almond's purpose in writing this article?
Things to look for/keep in mind for future readings:
- which research traditions sit at which tables
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