Study Questions for Ackerly and True

  1. What is a fundamental concern of feminist researchers?
  2. How does this affect how feminists do research?
  3. What is the feminist research ethic?
  4. How are feminists committed to self-reflection?
  5. Why is epistemology important?
  6. How does gender analysis illustrate the power of epistemology?
  7. Why are boundaries important?
  8. What is the difference between disciplinary boundaries and conceptual boundaries?
  9. Why are relationships important? which relationships?
  10. Why is it important for a researcher to situate her/himself?
  11. What is important for your (feminist) research?
  12. Can men conduct feminist research?
  13. To what research traditions is feminism most similar? most different?

Things to look for/keep in mind for future readings:

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